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Vintage & Valve Equipment Servicing in Harlow

Roland juno voice chip 80017a
Vintage national valco guitar amplifier inside

We mainly service valve amplifiers and pianos and often find they all have the same issues, crackles, humming and just generally messy inside from years of DIY repairs.  We’re able to restore 99% of equipment as long as we can find spares either from our stocks or knowing other repairers who keep stocks of old parts.

Our specialist is mainly electronics, however we have recovered amps and replaced speaker grills before.

Service Schedule

The servicing procedure includes the below observations as standard however every repair and service will differ and we ensure that your equipment is back up and running as close to how it originally left the factory!

-General checks carried out in servicing

-Valve states – we have a plug in AVO tester to test each valve

-Output biasing

-DC coupling capacitor state

-DC storage capacitor effectiveness including AC ripple

-Potentiometer crackling

-General cleaning of dust and grime

-Visual check – dry joints, burns, damage

Arrange a Repair

Start your repair now by clicking the button and registering your guitar amp for a repair or service now!