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Marshall Amp Repair & Servicing

We’ve got a history with repairing one of the biggest most household names in the guitar amplifier world.  We have a good relationship with Marshall amps service department and are able to repair all vintage valve amps to their modern hybrid amps.

Like Fender we see lots of Marshall amplifiers for repair, not because they are problematic amplifiers but because they are popular.  Right up from small bedroom MG series amps to bigger valve Jubilee models.  Faults can very from cutting out, hums and pops that can all be easily rectified by our workshop.

If you have a broken Marshall amp needing repair or collecting dust in a cupboard please use the repair ticket found in the menu,  our workshop will be more than happy at repairing your beloved Marshall.

The most common form of Marshall amp repairs:

-Broken Pots

-Crackling pots

-Damaged jacks

-Hums & Crackles (caused by dry joints, leaking capacitors)
-Blown Elements
-Played too loud and let out some smoke
-Rarely it’s human error – We try to understand how you use the kit and offer suggestions for best results

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Amps are dangerous inside!!!!

Amplifiers contain dangerous voltages and users are not recommended to start prodding around inside.  We have had many amps in over the years where a video clip on ‘repairing amps’ is used and often creates many more faults.  For many people their guitar amp is their tool to earning money, and needs to be carefully repaired and looked after. If you are unsure, do not touch it and call us!

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Useful Information

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Start your repair now by clicking the button and registering your guitar amp for a repair or service now!