Arrangements for Procurement
Sickamps is a limited company, trading with company number 10595809.
Details of the company can be searched using the “find and update company information” from the HMRC
Sickamps is not VAT registered and will not issue VAT documentation.
Our overriding payment terms are 15 days from invoice date and will take presidency over any procurement procedure.
We can issue proof of bank account details free of charge when requested.
Will not issue letterheads of any kind. The use of letterheads is no longer deemed secure or proof of a status of a company. We recommend using the above link to check the government’s database to validate Sickamp’s status.
A letterhead can be generated in word by anybody with no skill, nor proof or validation from a 3rd party that it is accurate or exists.
We reserve the right to charge on 1st invoice an administration fee for providing outdated documents, no longer legally required by HMRC to prove company status. This cost will be £80 to cover the time to generate unique documents unnecessary for a procurement process.
For exports of equipment we are registered and hold the following: Economic Operators Registration and Identification number GB083565784000
Legal Trading Address
Unit 66 Greenway Business Centre
Harlow Business Park
CM19 5QE