Fender Hot Rod & Blues Junior Capacitor Upgrade - Harlow Essex
The capacitors fitted to many Fender amplifiers are manufactured by a brand called IC. It is no secret that these capacitors are in a stressful environment, high voltage and warm conditions prematurely ages them and failures are quite high.
Symptoms may include:
- Increased background hum when nothing is plugged in.
- Loss of power when played at high volume for a period
- more of a spongy volume level relative to the notes played
- In extreme cases self oscillation
- This is what the capacitors will likely look like inside
F&T Capacitor Upgrade
When we have an amplifier experiencing issues such as that mentioned and shown above, we opt to change all the storage capacitors. For Fender the only capacitors we use are F&T which are a great hard wearing top quality Capacitor. They’re highly regarded in the audiophile world and we have never had one fail or leak with amps fitted some 10 years ago.
Contact us today if you wish to have this upgrade modification carried out to prolongue the working life of your Fender amplifier.